Looking Good to Feeling Good: The Psychology of Looking Your Best at Any Age

The neck is the easiest giveaway to a woman’s real age. And many a woman have devised ways with which to hide this offending body part – scarves, turtlenecks, heaps of jewelry and upturned collars. These temporary remedies, however, can only do so much. What if the weather doesn’t call for a scarf or turtleneck? What if popped collars are no longer in vogue?

Thanks to surgery, the offending neck can easily be corrected. A big ‘but’ however is that surgery is not for everyone, even to those who would be more than willing to invest significant amounts just to smooth out the area below the jawline and above the collarbone. Cosmetic surgery, while for aesthetic purposes, is still surgery, and therefore requires careful consultation with a surgeon who may reveal that, due to age, your genetic makeup, your state of health, you are not eligible for it. What then?

The good news is that you wouldn’t have to risk your health nor part with cash anymore (nor put up with the bothersome scarf or popped collar). You may have reached a certain age to believe in magic, but science and common sense – that and an eye for spotting real needs – can do wonders; hence, the birth of NeckTITE.

NeckTITE is safe, inexpensive, applicable on-demand and requires zero maintenance. And the best part is giving you the results you want – smoother and firmer neck and tighter jaw line – instantly! It’s like having your own magic wand and waving it whenever the occasion calls for it – an impromptu dinner, a last-minute conference, a reunion called on short notice. Put NeckTITE on and all you need is a killer dress to go with the event.

While there may surround a lot of fuss about looking good at any age, looking good at a certain age becomes all the more important as it directly affects a person’s sense of self. Psychologists call it ‘Appearance-Based Rejection Sensitivity.’ Some women may not be as sensitive as others, but all can benefit from the emotional boost that comes from being complimented, especially by people in their lives from whom they crave genuine appreciation.

The easiest and fastest way to up one’s self-confidence is appearance, because it starts a cascade of events that leads to higher self-esteem. If you are complimented with how you look, you tend to get more inspired to not only look but feel healthier as well. You realize more doors are open when you are no longer shy with how you present yourself to the world. You become more outgoing, and explore other activities which you may have shunned in the past. As a result, your activities become more varied, your life richer, and your perspective brighter.

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Sagging Skin: Understanding the Causes

It’s definitely frustrating when you notice the skin beneath your arms sagging and when you find your cheeks and neck drooping with folded and flabby skin. Yes, it comes with age and some simply accept it as it is. Nevertheless, there are actually ways in which you can enhance your physical beauty even as you get older. This way, you don’t have to look your age.

What Causes Your Skin to Sag?
Aging is the primary cause of sagging skin. When your skin ages, the collagen weakens and even the supportive tissue called elastin can be lost. These two are responsible for making your skin look firm, soft, and healthy. This is why there are plenty of anti-aging products that aim to restore and strengthen collagen and elastin.

Aside from aging, there are other reasons that can cause your skin to sag more or earlier than it’s supposed to. For one, if you’re often exposed to the harsh rays of the sun, surely you’re at high risk. Hence, it’s important to make it a habit to apply the right amount and level of sunscreen daily.

Another common reason is fast weight loss, especially without proper exercise and physical activity. This is especially true for those who’ve lost a lot of weight abruptly. The tendency of the skin is to sag because it’s been too stretched out and was not given enough time to adjust back. In connection to this cause, you’ll find that a lot of pregnant women experience this and end up with lolling skin.

How Can You Treat Sagging Skin?
You may not be able to help aging, but you can still delay the process. These days, there are numerous natural anti-aging methods that don’t have to put you under the needle. You can take supplements, eat anti-oxidant rich foods, avoid smoking and other vices, and try topical treatments especially designed for anti-aging.

Ensure a good beauty regimen that suits your skin type. You might want to consult a skin specialist about this. Moreover, don’t forget to wear sunscreen every day.

If you intend to lose a lot of weight, it’s best to do it gradually and not just with diet. You need to engage in the right types of exercises regularly too. Many experts recommend only a maximum of 2 pounds loss per week. This advice also applies to those who have gained weight due to pregnancy.

Indeed all of these tips may work, depending on your body and on how committed you are. But they all take time. Now if you want a quick fix while working on the long term treatments, we offer our cutting edge technology— the NeckTITE Magic strip! It’s been proven over and again to instantly make your neck look firm, smooth, and youthful through the invisible tape. Even sagging skin on your neck will not be able to put up a fight against this amazing technology. What’s more, our product is hypoallergenic and skin-friendly, and can last for up to ten hours.

Stock up on your NeckTITE Magic strips to cover up your sagging skin on the neck temporarily so that you can enjoy a more youthful appearance not just on special occasions but every single day.

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Neck Lift Alternatives

Many of us, especially women over 40, just do not like their necks. After all, thanks to its home being right below the face, the neck is one of the most commonly-viewed body part and also a body part that sags the most.

Because of this, some people suffering from a turkey neck turn to invasive procedures such as Botox injections and neck lift surgeries to tighten up their throat exteriors. But, the downsides to these types of neck lift and smoothing procedures are clear. For example, the injecting of the neuro-toxin Botox can cause all sorts of problems to include headaches, allergic reactions, pain at the injection site, and prolonged shortness of breath.

Meanwhile, the ultra-invasive neck lift surgical procedure brings with it threats that are even more serious. First of all, all surgical procedures can lead to dire injury and even death. Just some of the other dangers a patient faces when she goes under for a neck lift surgery include nerve damage, visible scars, and infection.

The good news is that there are plenty of safe alternatives to neck lift procedures. The first alternative is of course NeckTITE Magic which works instantly with a single simple application that is both safe and inexpensive.

Another alternative to a neck lift is tightening cream. Though these can tighten loose neck skin, they take many months to take effect. Another neck lift alternative option is liposuction, which for some patients has worked well. However, it is costly and, being a surgery, carries with it many of the same risks that an actual neck lift procedure does. If you do decide to go with lipo to tighten the skin of your saggy neck, make sure you do not have too much of the sub dermal fat removed since this can leave you with an even saggier neck.

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Easy Steps to Care For Your Skin

When it comes to our skin, we should try to do everything we can to keep it in shape, but a lot of the time we ask our skin to take the brunt of the sun and heat without any protection. This is bad for a number of reasons, but to keep it short, you can easily contract skin cancer, tire out your skin, and eventually wind up looking like a leather bag. When we are younger we think that our bodies will last forever, but that is not the case, we realize this as we get older. We pay for the mistakes of the past, sure, but with every new day there’s a new opportunity to start good habits. Start today with these simple steps.


When your skin is exposed to the sunlight it is absorbing the Vitamin D that is coming from it; it is also taking in the radiation from it and the heat. The skin can burn, crack, and wrinkle over time, by wearing sunblock you are helping to protect your skin from these damaging effects; also cover up.


Lotion helps to keep the skin moisturized and moisturized skin is able to move and stretch. Dry skin does not move and will crack as the skin creases and folds. Because dry skin lacks moisture, it cannot recover from use and this makes wrinkles form that much faster.


Not just acid, but salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is in most acne products and it helps with cleaning the pores and taking off a small layer of dead skin. By keeping on top of acne care you are going to keep your skin looking nice and smooth.

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5 Amazing Foods to Keep Aging at Bay

Some people like to say that forty is the new twenty. Well, that’s only true if you manage to stay healthy and young-looking. When you feel great inside and comfortable in your own skin, it doesn’t matter what your biological age actually is. And this is why you ought to get a head start on anti-aging, if you haven’t already.

As you get older, you suddenly find yourself groping for ways to look good despite the reality. One way to delay the aging process is by eating the right kind of food. Take note of the five amazing anti-aging foods below that will bring about a better world for you in many ways.

1.      Salmon and Other Fish

It’s a known fact that salmon is teeming with omega-3 fatty acid content, which can do wonders for keeping your skin fresh, blemish-free, and young-looking. Moreover, it also contains the substance called astaxanthin which is also great for giving your skin that healthy, youthful glow.

Aside from salmon, there are also other fish that can greatly benefit your skin and overall health such as tuna and lake trout. These will help lower the risk for heart disease and also aid in cholesterol level management.

2.      Oats and Other Whole Grains

Whether you’re currently in your 40s or you’re actually older, it’s important that you try to incorporate plenty of oats and other whole grains in your regular diet. These foods will help moisturize your skin and thus keep it from drying out and developing more wrinkles and fine lines.

Oats in particular possess plenty of wonderful nutrients such as vitamin C, selenium, fiber, thiamine, biotin, zinc, and magnesium among others. All of these contribute to the potency of this anti-aging food.

What’s more, oats and also wheat, barley, quinoa, and other whole grain foods also ensure that your blood vessels are in tiptop shape. They can also reduce the chances of getting type two diabetes.

3.      Fruits and Vegetables

Yes, it may be a cliché to say that you need to jack up the amount of fruits and vegetables you eat, but you can’t deny the fact that it’s really true. And if you want to look and feel younger, these fruits and vegetables are key to anti-aging. Being rich in antioxidants, they can help fight disease-causing free radicals, restore damaged cells, and boost the growth of new cells. Berries and leafy greens are examples of foods with high levels of antioxidants.

Resveratrol is a type of antioxidant that’s found in grapes. According to research this substance is very effectual in delaying the aging process. It’s also great in lowering heart disease and cancer risks.

4.      Nuts

You might want to snack on nuts or include them in some of your recipes. After all, this type of food is well-known too for its anti-aging benefits. Even though it’s high in fat and calorie content, you can count on it to sustain a good blood pressure for you while also keeping your cholesterol level stable and healthy. Nevertheless, make sure you don’t take in too much of nuts.

5.      Beans

Beans are a great source of low-fat protein and thus make for a fantastic alternative if you don’t eat meat. Not only that, but they’re also incredible for fiber, antioxidants, and a good array of vitamins and minerals. All of these working together will certainly work wonders on your overall well-being and look, making you seem a lot younger on the outside.

Do yourself a favor by keeping a well-balanced diet in your lifestyle and making sure you lean a bit more toward these amazing foods. Of course, it also wouldn’t hurt to enhance your physical appearance with today’s remarkable technologies. For instance, there are many beautiful women who would absolutely adore an instant neck lift to erase wrinkles and sagging skin in the neck area. After all, this part of your body is as good a telltale sign of age as your face.

Well, you’re in great luck!

Using our NeckTITE Magic strip for an on-the-spot neck lift will surely give others the impression that you’re much younger than you really are. How would you like smoother skin on your neck minus the folds and lines, not to mention a firm and young-looking jaw line to accompany it? Well, all this can be handed over to you in an instant!

With the unique technology of NeckTITE Magic, you can be assured of a gorgeous, youthful look all day long in just one simple application. So many people are going crazy over this easy and painless alternative to neck lift surgery because it’s not just effective, but affordable too.

This, along with other anti-aging modern and traditional methods, will undoubtedly keep you radiating with fresh beauty.

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Must-Have Skin Essentials to Look Fresh This Summer

The summer season is all about lounging and having fun outside, but it can also bring about some harmful side effects for your skin. This holds particularly important for women who have more sensitive skin needs and problems. But even if that’s the case, there’s no reason to completely hide from the sun because all you’ll need are these must-have skin essentials wherever you go this season.

We can’t emphasize the importance of sunscreen too much, particularly now that the weather’s getting hotter and more excruciating on the skin than ever. Don’t settle for anything less than SPF 30 and make sure to reapply every two hours, especially if you plan on spending a lot of time under the sun.

There’s a very good possibility that you’ll end up sweating a lot or become too oily as you go about your day. Keep oil films and tissues handy for those emergency wipe-ups and touch-ups. The last thing you’ll want is to look haggard with a shiny and tired-looking face. And on this note, also have your go-to face powder available to keep yourself looking fresh and refreshed.

Need a quick lift — a neck lift, to be exact? The great thing about NeckTITE Magic is how you can easily use it whenever and wherever you need a neck lift without resorting to invasive methods or applications. Just make sure that you apply it on a clean skin devoid of any cream or makeup, and use it at a place with room temperature. You’ll never know when you’ll need an emergency neck lift, especially if you suddenly had to meet up with relatives and friends, so better make sure that you have NeckTITE Magic strips in your bag this summer season!

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A Surgical Neck Lift, Is It Worth The Risk?

a-babys-coming-565751-mHere’s a general rule, skin cannot hold tension. If the infrastructure of your neck (muscle, fat, glands, etc.) is saggy, then no amount of skin undermining or tightening will give you a long, lasting youthful neck.

A Gradual, Overnight Change
As we age, our appearance changes. With maturity, the face retains a full and soft look while assuming a more adult proportion. It is sometime within this window of young adulthood that we imprint our body image. We learn to identify ourselves and that self is whom we recognize when we look in the mirror. The decades inevitably bring about changes in our appearance. The skin loses its elasticity, and we see sagging and wrinkles. Something is missing. You can still look good, but it is different. Facial volume shifts and sometimes shrinks, the apple of the cheek is lost. Jowls appear and you wonder if the fat marched from the cheek toward the chin, ready to jump off. The neck muscles become more visible like tight bands pulling the face toward the chest. The facial bones change and you look somewhat skeletal. All of these events occur to us in varying degrees. We may not see it coming, but when it hits, we know it. And we wonder, is it too late?

Potential Risks of Neck Lift Surgery
Anytime you have surgery, things can go very wrong. And necklift surgery is no exception. There is no way of predicting which people will suffer negative effects from surgical procedures and which won’t, but if you are concerned about your appearance, surgical intervention might just be the last thing you would ever want to try. Especially after reading this one woman’s neck lift surgery story and its unfortunate outcome:

The Neck Lift Procedure
Things started out pretty simply. She was injected with local anesthetic in and around her neck area instead of being put to sleep. Then the plastic surgeon made what was to be a minor incision under her chin. She then felt a painless pushing and tugging until he pushed or pulled something on her right jaw. She told them she felt something and the assistant asked if was pain or pressure. She said it was pain. But, despite her pain, the neck lift surgery continued. She believed a muscle on the right side of her neck/jaw had been ripped. Her fears were confirmed when she saw him suturing the plat muscle. At the end of the neck lift procedure, a tight ace bandage was wrapped around her head.They then provided her with a hotel room for two nights. She ended up paying to stay the night prior to and the night after surgery, to be able to get her dressing changed. It was fortunate she had, because the day after her neck lift surgery, her chin incision had opened up and while still in a great deal of pain, she had to be resutured.

Follow Up To An Irregular Neck Lift Surgery
At the next week’s visit, the patient hadn’t made any progress, she even had to have fluid drawn from her neck. During the weekend after the aspiration, more fluid accumulated, making her uncomfortable and anxious. When she would tilt her head it would move from one side of her neck to the other. So she called the 24 hour doctor assistance number to no avail. She called again during the day and was finally given an appointment for the following Saturday, where the doctor drew more than 5 CCs of fluid from her neck and then placed her in a “sling”. On her return visit the skin on her neck had started to detach and looked lumpy and hard as a rock. She was instructed to get an ultrasound handheld device (Retailing over $100!) to use to help with the scarring. She could not get out of there fast enough without crying. Instead of improving the way her neck looked, she fears it now looks far worse. She wound up feeling as though she had been maimed for the rest of her life, and has to live with the unfortunate, but all too common results of an unsuccessful neck lift.

Although plastic surgery is advertised as a quick fix, it is often quite far from that. Plastic surgery should not be taken lightly as it can cause irreparable physical and psychological damage. Not to mention, plastic surgery and its follow up procedures can cost thousands of dollars and most are not covered by insurance.

So what option should you consider to help tighten the skin in your neck and give you back your youthful, slender neck? Try NeckTITE Magic-The Instant Neck Lift featuring no incisions, no mess, and most importantly-no pain! Apply this miracle skin adhesive strip to the nape of your neck to seamlessly smooth away your saggy neck wrinkles, giving you an instant, beautiful, safe and affordable neck lift. Reclaim your youthful appearance today!

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Ways to Maintain Your Tight Skin After Using NeckTITE

So you’ve finally experienced the magic of NeckTITE Magic… now how can you maintain the tightness of the skin on your neck afterwards?

By now, you should know that the sun might as well be your skin’s worst enemy. While skin aging is a natural progression as you get older, overexposure to the sun’s harsh rays have the ability to accelerate the process much faster than normal. In order to combat the effects of the sun on your skin, always make sure to apply sunblock on the more exposed areas of your skin, including your face, neck, arms, and legs. If possible, limit your exposure to the sun, especially during noontime, and always wear other protective accessories such as shades, hats, and shawls.

It’s basically a general rule for women to include moisturizers in their daily and nightly skin care regimen. And aside from your trusty moisturizer, you should also consider investing in a specialized neck cream that you can apply below your chin, around your neck, and along your décolletage.

Do you know that the way your body is positioned also affects your skin’s appearance? For example, resting on your face while you sleep can contribute to the development of wrinkles, especially if it has become a habit for you for years. The same goes for the skin on your neck if you keep on slouching or bowing your head in such a way that the skin gets squeezed, forming distinct fine lines. Keep your head high and your neck elongated, which would work wonders not only for your skin, but also for your overall confident appeal.

Another enemy of your skin would be smoking and if you’re still at it, then just try your best to stop. Always remember that you’re not getting any younger and that smoking affects all aspects of your health, which you might find hard to recover from once it becomes too late.
If your mission is to look as beautiful as you feel, keep these beauty secrets in mind. You’ll stay looking young for years to come. NeckTITE Magic is here to help you to make your mission possible.

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The One Skin Care Have-To for Middle Aged Women (And Everyone Else as Well)

looking-at-the-future-436347-mScientific report after scientific report have found that there are two main ways to keeping one’s skin young, smooth, and youthful: avoid the sun and protect your skin from the sun when you must be beneath its rays.

The great news about this recurring finding is that it shows us that it is nearly never too late to start staying out of the sun and protecting your skin from that big ball of fire in the sky. A recent study out of Australia, where, let’s face it, the people know a thing or two about the sun, tracked mostly fair-skinned 900 women and men aged 54 and younger and their sunscreen use for four and a half years. The researchers found that daily use of sunscreen significantly retarded the aging process of the participants’ skin. They reported that even middle-aged users were able to drastically slow this aging process through this regular use of sunscreen.

“The study has shown that up to middle age, it’s not too late to make a difference,” said study co-author Adele Green, lab head and senior research fellow with the Queensland Institute of Medical Research at Royal Brisbane Hospital. “This has been one of those beauty tips you often hear quoted, but for the first time we can back it with science. Protecting yourself from skin cancer by using sunscreen regularly has the added bonus of keeping you looking younger.”

The 900 participants were divided into two groups. One was instructed to apply SPF 15 sunscreen to their necks, faces, arms, and hands each morning and after being in water, sweating heavily, or being outside for two or three hours. The other group was simply asked to use sunscreen when and if they wished to. Some of the subjects were smokers and some worked outside.

Though sunscreen helped both groups, the first group, with its regimented use earned the greatest benefits.

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Ways on Maintaining Your Tight Skin After Using NeckTITE Magic

So you’ve finally experienced the magic of NeckTITE Magic… now how you can maintain the tightness of the skin on your neck afterwards?

By now, you should know that the sun might as well be your skin’s worst enemy. While skin aging is a natural progression as you get older, overexposure to the sun’s harsh rays have the ability to accelerate the process much faster than normal. In order to combat the effects of the sun on your skin, always make sure to apply sunblock on the more exposed areas of your skin, including your face, neck, arms, and legs. If possible, limit your exposure to the sun, especially during noontime, and always wear other protective accessories such as shades, hats, and shawls.

It’s basically a general rule for women to include moisturizers in their daily and nightly skin care regimen. And aside from your trusty moisturizer, you should also consider investing in a specialized neck cream that you can apply below your chin, around your neck, and along your décolletage.

Do you know that the way your body is positioned also affects your skin’s appearance? For example, resting on your face while you sleep can contribute to the development of wrinkles, especially if it has become a habit for you for years. The same goes for the skin on your neck if you keep on slouching or bowing your head in such a way that the skin gets squeezed, forming distinct fine lines. Keep your head high and your neck elongated, which would work wonders not only for your skin, but also for your overall confident appeal.

Another enemy of your skin would be smoking and if you’re still at it, then just try your best to stop. Always remember that you’re not getting any younger and that smoking affects all aspects of your health, which you might find hard to recover from once it becomes too late.

And strip, once you’ve done and followed all of these aftercare treatments… it won’t hurt to get your hands on another NeckTITE Magic strip again, right?

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