About Us
How it all came about…
Many years ago, after attending a girlfriend get-together, I received a cameo photo of myself from a friend. When I looked at the photo, all I saw was my craggy, wrinkled neck. I remember thinking to myself, “What the heck is that?” I immediately ran to the mirror only to discover that it was still there! I was shocked. My face looked fine, but my neck seemed to be falling apart. I wondered if anyone else noticed my neck, so I started observing other people’s necks. Surprisingly, I noticed many craggy necks out there. Feeling somewhat relieved, I began covering and masking my neck with turtlenecks, scarves, mocks, or anything that could hide it.
One evening, I was getting ready for a formal gala and planned to wear a stunning scoop-neck cocktail dress. The problem was, “What should I wear around my neck?” It was summer time, so wearing a scarf was out of the question. I frantically started thinking of ideas. I tried wearing rows of pearls slightly like a choker, but it looked foolish. Then I had an idea. I thought there must be something I could use to hold back a few folds. Aha! I took duct tape and applied it to the back of my neck, and it held up for a little while. Of course, it ripped my skin off when I tried to remove it. However, that experience was the beginning of the creation of NeckTITE Magic.
After about two years of research, while at a function, I overheard my friend saying, “I hate my neck!” I offered to help and applied a test strip (at that time) to her. When she saw her new youthful neck, it was a defining moment for me. Witnessing her excitement and genuine happiness with the product inspired me. Now, as business partners, 11 years later and after numerous product tests, we have developed a safe product to give you an “instant” neck lift. This time it’s skin friendly, hypoallergenic, latex-free, almost transparent on the skin, moisture-resistant, and most importantly, it works instantly! One magic strip applied to the back of the neck dramatically smooths away lines, skin sags, and folds with one simple application each tiame you want to look your best

“You will love the Magic!” – Gail & Cynthia
“We want to show as many women as we can the Magic of NeckTITE.
To use it, to love it and be beautiful, now and always.”
NeckTITE Magic, LLC was created to provide women in the 45+ age group an easy to use, innovative way of achieving an instant neck lift. The company has thrived under the leadership and guidance of its two experienced and passionate business partners:

Gail Tillinghast
General Partner/Product Designer NeckTITE Magic, LLC
After working in the design industry for most of her life, Gail Tillinghast wanted to come up with an
idea to help women like her look and feel beautiful once again. She invented the official design of a
product that would soon be recognized as unique and revolutionary — NeckTITE Magic Strip. Developing NeckTITE Magic was an exciting endeavor for her since it was a very unique concept in the beauty industry. By creating a hypoallergenic and skin friendly product that provides an instant neck lift, she managed to provide women an alternative to expensive surgery, painful injections and messy creams.

Cynthia Cooper
General Partner/Product Services NeckTITE Magic, LLC
Throughout her career, Cynthia Cooper focused on providing the best possible customer service. Over the years she has managed the customer service department of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI and has developed a highly successful and well-known AFLAC book of business. She brought her skills and expertise from her business endeavors to NeckTITE Magic where she focused on developing trust with clients and has provided valuable services to consumers and partners
These skills have now led to the development of NeckTITE Magic, LLC, the most exciting endeavor in my business career! I am proud that our innovative product will help many women, like myself over 45+ years old. Using NeckTITE Magic provides a renewed and youthful appearance – diminishing lines, folds and sagging skin in the neck area. NeckTITE Magic is a new to market beauty aid. It’s designed to give women an
“Instant Neck Lift”.